About us
At Collective Being, we envision a world where everyone is connected, well and thriving. We deliver our impactful wellbeing programs in partnership with key community and health services across Victoria.
Our story
Founded on the principles of trauma-sensitive care and mindfulness, Collective Being is the only organisation of our kind in Victoria. Our commitment to delivering high-quality, impactful wellbeing programs has garnered strong community trust, evidenced by enduring partnerships and consistent high demand for our services.
Over the past seven years, we have refined our practice as a leading service provider, working with 48 organisations and over 8,000 community members. Delivered in collaboration with key health and community services, our programs not only support mental and physical health but also foster resilience and connection among participants.
Beyond our core services, we extend our support through free and low-cost public programs, events and collaborations that support people to be resourced, resilient and connected. This year, we're excited to launch our new Community Wellbeing Fund, aimed at offering further subsidised and free programs to under-resourced organisations and underserved communities.
Our approach
Safety, dignity and belonging
At Collective Being, we understand that feelings of safety, dignity and belonging are integral to wellness. Our approach to programming is trauma-sensitive, mental health aware, and gender and culture responsive.
Four foundational practices
Our skilled program facilitators introduce participants to four core wellbeing practices that they can adapt and utilise in support of their wellbeing:
Embodied Inquiry.
With a focus on nervous system regulation, stress-relief, resilience and connection, these four practices are adapted in age-appropriate, gender and culture responsive ways.

Our Impact
Over the past seven years, we have worked with over 8000 people and 47 different organisations, including hospitals, crisis centres, rehabilitation services, housing services, youth outreach programs, schools, legal services, state government and clinical settings. Participants tell us that our programs support them to:
feel calm;
feel connected;
experience peace; and
develop transferable wellbeing skills.
In 2023, we conducted an evaluation of our programs. This evaluation demonstrated that for respondents:
100% learned somatic tools or strategies that they will use again to support their mental health.
97% identified that they made choices about which practices or movements they participated in
87% identified that the program supported them to increase their awareness of feelings or sensations in their body during the sessions.
Annual Reports
Our annual reports can be accessed below:
Download our 2023-2024 Annual Report (PDF)
Download our 2022-2023 Annual Report (PDF)
Download our 2021 - 2022 Annual Report (PDF)
Download our 2020-2021 Annual Report (PDF)